Thursday, March 6, 2014

RoboCop 2014 (English) by RUNNYBABBIT Torrent

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RoboCop 2014 torrent

Year: 2014
Genres: Action, Crime, Sci-Fi
Stars: Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Michael Keaton
Director: José Padilha

Review: With Hollywood at a loss to make original films, it was inevitable that Robokop franchise would finally get the reboot. In 1987, he became an original box office Robokop instant hit with its mix of witty satire and violence in the head and teeth main action of Peter Weller, Kurtwood Smith and Ronny Cox, the deciding factor in what made the movie for the cold weather was a Dutch director Paul Verhoeven, plus they seem to understand what the public of the time needed : a big cyborg technology (cleverly designed by special effects genius Rob Bottin and his robotic suit became a movie icon) who fought crime in a near future world overwhelmed by greed, hypocrisy, excessive corrupcióny almost cartoonish violence.In restart the studies were able to obtain the services of Brazilian director Jose Padiha (directed Elite Squad and its end, two thrillers intense police established in his native Brazil), but unfortunately forgot to give him a good script to work with (there were rumors that during the production Padiha had many ideas were vetoed by studio bosses. Figures.). The other reason why the original movie was also working because its R rating had worked in his favor: the huge amount of risk added to his satirical vision future as well as the American culture that really speaks to the audience. With this reboot directed more families crowd violence PG filmed using Quick jump cuts that makes it totally confusing, like watching a bags Fast forward to a few video games that when your mind will be on the scene recording itself finished.The film also suffers from problems that the pace just when the story is about the shocks on, the scene changed so abruptly lost any emotional impulse because it simply is not much characterization of the main part, all you have to have an emotional impact is overlooked by a jump to a new scene and too much emphasis on explaining what the characters are n doing so fails to win public sympathy for anybody.I really can not judge Joel Kinnamans act in the lead role and that really is not much to do other than walk through trial and Robokop absolute some words from time to time, and it seems they are spending too much time bug-eyed and in shock more than anything else. Throw in support also seems wasteful, and Michael Keaton and Jackie Earle Haleys limited screen time largely just trying to explain what is happening rather than actually doing anything. Even Michael K Williams seems lost as Robocops partner. Patrick GARROW heavy as cardboard is almost a wicked version compared to 1987 and threatening Kurtwood Smith and his band of psychopathic murderer. Gary Oldman's performance Maso least half since hes also has much to do.Alas, the biggest disappointment is the absence of any kind of humor movies: the film in 1987 was loaded boats narrative crazy cut back advertising offers a great view on how those established in the world until the next time, as well as sadistic and crazy villains pun on the name of the wrong side of the film , cula f (Dick Jones-best name of all time). Instead, we found fragments of a show by Samuel L Jackson media whose presence in this film is also wasted as he spends more time rchapaj what we saw with jokes fall flat. The only five good passes at the very beginning and a battle between insurgents and Iranian armed robots take shortly after the film quickly lost momentum and it never recovers. Better skip this one and wait for the lease, or better yet, see the version in his 1987 best path.

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